Coordinator: June Kramer (425-239-8692)
Date: March 5
Start: Santa Margarita Community Park, Santa Margarita
Destination: SM KOA for coffee.
Note: via Las Pilatas Road.
Planner: Charles Wright (805 748-7744)
Date: March 12
Start: Cloisters Community Park, Morro Bay
Destination: Lunada coffee bar (Cayucos) for coffee.
Note: via Toro and Cayucos Creek canyons.
Planner: Greg Wilt (
Date: March 19
Start: Strother Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Lopez Lake marina for coffee.
Note: once in the park, continuing around the reservoir to the former French boy scout camp.
Planner: Kris & Harvey Schwartzman (860-539-2116 (Harvey), 860-424-2076 (Kristin))
Date: March 26
Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Hula Hutt (Avila) for coffee.
Note: via Fair Oaks, Ash, Mentone, Hwy 1, Price Street, Shell Beach Road, Bob Jones Trail.
Planner: Don Thomas (