Coordinator: June Kramer (425-239-8692)
Date: February 5 (9:30 start time)
Start: Shamel Park, Cambria
Destination: Piedras Blancas Lighthouse.
Note: Big Sur restaurant in San Simeon for coffee.
Planner: Greg Wilt (
Date: February 12
Start: Strother Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Lopez Lake marina for coffee.
Note: Once in the park, continuing around the reservoir to the former French Boy Scout Camp.
Planner: Kris & Harvey Schwartzman (860-539-2116 (Harvey), 860-424-2076 (Kristin))
Date: February 19
Note: No Ride
Date: February 26
Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Huasna - as far as you want to go!
Note: optional coffee afterwards and the Sidewalk Cafe.
Planner: Don Thomas (