Coordinator: Frank Mullin (805-295-0183)
Date: February 5
Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (Five Cities).
Route: out Branch Mill to Orcutt to TIffany to Corbett to Price Canyon, over Ormonde to James Way.
Leader: Deb Thorlakson (
Date: February 12
Start: Nazarene El Morro, Los Osos
Destination: Cayucos Creek.
Leader: Susan McTaggart (
Date: February 19
Start: Cloisters Community Park, Morro Bay
Destination: Harmony.
Leader: Alaine Nadeau (925-216-0801)
Date: February 26
Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Adelaida's Coffee Shop (Trilogy, Nipomo).
Leader: Irene Vega (805-709-3409)