Coordinator: June Kramer (425-239-8692)
Date: December 4
Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: the end of Rigetti Canyon Road. Coffee at the end of the ride at Sidewalk Cafe (AG).
Route: via Huasna, Orcutt to Rigetti; return the same route.
Planner: Peggy Coon (818 259-8940)
Date: December 11
Start: Cloisters Community Park, Morro Bay
Destination: Bijou Cafe (Cayucos) for coffee.
Note: via Toro and Cayucos Creek Canyons.
Planner: June Kramer (425-239-8692)
Date: December 18
Start: Strother Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: DePalo's (PB) for coffee.
Planner: Terry Lehr-Franks (
Date: December 25
Note: No Ride