Coordinator: Frank Mullin (805-295-0183)
Date: May 1
Start: French Park, San Luis Obispo
Destination: Mulligan's (Avila)
Note: Biddle, Orcutt, Tiffany Ranch, Price through Pismo
Leader: George Griffin (805-710-6560)
Date: May 8
Start: Cloisters Community Park, Morro Bay
Destination: Harmony.
Leader: Alaine Nadeau (925-216-0801)
Date: May 15
Start: Emerson Park, San Luis Obispo
Destination: Do a "Tour de SLO." It will be a ride in the City through many of the new bike facilities built in the last few years. About 25 miles.
Leader: Barry Rands (805-704-1549)
Date: May 22
Start: Nazarene El Morro, Los Osos
Destination: Cayucos for Coffee.
Note: Cauycos Creek.
Leader: Susan McTaggart (
Date: May 29
Start: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Huasna. Bring snack and extra water.
Note: Coffee at Andrenies or Mule after the ride.
Leader: Rhonda Renee (805-591-0320)