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Frequent Feeder Schedule

January (2024) Schedule
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Coordinator:  Frank Mullin (805-295-0183)

Date:  January 3

Start:  Cloisters Community Park, Morro Bay

Destination:  Harmony.

Leader:  Alaine Nadeau (925-216-0801)

Date:  January 10

Start:  Islay Park, San Luis Obispo

Destination:  Ascendo Coffee (LO).

Route:  via LOVR and Prefumo Canyon.

Leader:  Arlene Winn (805-440-5837)

Date:  January 17

Start:  Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande

Destination:  TBD

Leader:  Deb Thorlakson (

Date:  January 24

Start:  French Park, San Luis Obispo

Destination:  Woodstone Market or Mullligan's based on the size of the group.

Route:  Broad, Orcutt, tiffany, Corbett, Price, Ontario roads.

Leader:  George Griffin (805-710-6560)

Date:  January 31

Start:  Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande

Destination:  Trilogy (Nipomo) for coffee.

Leader:  Rhonda Renee (805-591-0320)

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